Currently there is an amazing trend for beautiful Adult Coloring Books. It is proven that they help reduce stress. I use them personally to help meditate. In fact, I love them.
So when I was asked to contribute a piece to a Zed Presents coloring book of Myths and Legends, I was inspired to draw The Myth of Balder. It became the cover of the Myths and Legends Coloring book:
Cat Carnell, of Zed Presents did me the honor of asking me to create the first twin coloring books for the We Time Publishing Imprint. The ground breaking concept was this: create twin coloring books - an Adult coloring book and a companion Kids coloring book with the same subject matter but with coloring Images that were appropriate for different levels of ability. Because what adult wants to tell the children in their life they can’t color, because a coloring book is not meant for them?
After a super successful Kickstarter campaign, supported by many kind people, Zed Presents has made the We Time Fairy Tale Coloring books a reality.
Purchase the Fairy Tale coloring books at Zed Presents
And here they are: